
Posts Tagged ‘laser tag’

Every few years you have a birthday that just brings you down. When I turned 25, I cried. I don’t remember why, or what was going on at the time, I just knew that I wasn’t happy about it and it sucked. This year I’m turning 28, and it isn’t so much that I’m down about it, I just don’t really care. Perhaps it is everything that I have been through this past year; in comparison my birthday just seems trivial.

Now, I may joke about turning “old” and over the weekend all three of the following sentences did come out of my mouth.

1. When asked if I wanted to go into the mosh pit, I responded with: “I don’t have the money to pay for the hospital bill.”

2. “I’m about to work on my puzzle.” (As in jigsaw)

3. “Huh, I’m tired and feel like crap after last night. I’m hung-over and I didn’t even drink.”

I really am a believer that you are only as old as you feel. However, in my case, I’m only as old as I act, and I act like a 13 years old boy.

Here are 10 reasons why I have a teenage boy in me. (That’s what she said, that’s #3)

1. I purchased pieces of my wardrobe from the boys department. (Where else am I going to find a vintage Avengers screen print hoodie in my size.)

2. I love a good poop joke. (Come on… poop is hilarious.)

3. I giggle when I hear “hard” or “hole” in a sentence. (I’m currently reading a book where the main character is a detective named Harry Hole… just typing it makes me laugh.)

4. I still watch cartoons. (I’m not just talking about the Sunday night line up on Fox. I’m talking the Cartoon Network and Boomerang. Now, I could just say it’s because I have an eight year old in the house, but that would be a lie. Half the time she isn’t even around when I’m watching them.)

5. I own way too many Harry Potter, super hero, and nerd shirts.

6. My idea of a good time is laser tag and movie theater popcorn.

7. I swear a lot. (I mean a lot…)

8. I hump things for a laugh. (Because it’s funny.)

9. Half of the time my comeback for an insult is … your mom.

10. I look at boobs. (Clearly since I purchase clothing in the boys dept, I’m built like one. Therefore, I look at boobs because I admire what I don’t have. I would say this is why a 13 year old boy looks at them too.)

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